Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

Evolution Pokemon : Eevee

A cute and chubby pokemon Eevee.Famous because of it's evolution power that can evolute into seven different kind of powerful pokemon such as Vaporeon , Jolteon , Flareon , Umbreon , Espeon , Leafeon and Glaceon.In my experience of playing pokemon hearthgolden , Eevee was actually a weak pokemon with just a normal type pokemon.But when it evolution , it become a powerful pokemon with any type such as water,fire,electric,dark,psychc,grass and ice depending on what we choose.To evolute eevee to Flareon use fire stone , Jolteon use thunder stone , Vaporeon use water stone , Umbreon > raise it's happiness in night day , Espeon same as Umbreon but in morning , Glaceon level up in route 217 , Leafeon level up at moss rock.
In my point of view , the strongest is Vaporeon because it can use water and ice type at once plus high special attack and speed that can let it attack first with a powerfull special attack move such as hydro pump or ice beam.Second is Jolteon with powerfull speed and special attack too.It can use a move such as thunderbolt or thunder.But Jolteon can't attack ground or stone type pokemon unless we give some other type of attack.Third is Espeon with very high special attack.It can combine a psychc and ghost type such as psychc or shadow ball.Next would be Glaceon.With it's ice type attack it can just freeze every pokemon with it's blizzard.But it has a lot of weakness such as fithing type , steel type , fire type , rock type.Flareon is in the fifth.It has high attack but medium in special attack.The only effective fire attack was flame wheel and flare drive.The number six should be Umbreon with very high defense and special defense.It can let Umbreon suffering a little hp when being attack.The good news is that psychc and ghost type cant attack dark type but weak against bug and fighting type.Finally the weakest among the seven Eevee evolution is Leafeon.Using a grass type means that it needs a high special attack but in fact that Leafeon has low special attack and attack but high in defense and special defense.This is not good either for grass pokemon with grass type attack (high special attack).But this is just my opinion and everyone must have their own opinion.I guess that's all i can share about this tremendous pokemon.Thanks